The most efficient knowledge management and search by phrase software in the world 

Going out of the stealth mode on the 20th f June

I Semantic is a revolutionary natural language processing ML - AI.
We deliver power of the human reasoning to your computers

Our team of top AI and NLP researchers and data scientist have been working on the problem for last 16 years.

A phone call away

We deliver one - right answer instead of thousands meaningless hits 

Our software finds information the same way as a human brain does. Efficiently, fast, with small number of relevant answers

Get in touch today

ISemantics is the first tool in the world that gives you accurate, unique real time answer on your complex query in a complex text database of millions documents

We are the only tool able to deal in real time with huge datasets as are Wikipedia, Patent database or the EU legislative database

We also do search hundred times faster than EU or Wikipedia search engine


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